Wednesday, September 25, 2013

24 Reasons Your Open-Plan Office Sucks

Work in an open-plan office? You’re being sold a bill of goods.

First of all, your office environment is a major contributor to how happy you are at your job.

First of all, your office environment is a major contributor to how happy you are at your job.

Dissatisfaction with work environment directly links to a lack of job satisfaction and lower productivity.


Workers in open-plan offices report increased distraction as a major detriment to job satisfaction.

Workers in open-plan offices report increased distraction as a major detriment to job satisfaction.


Workers in open-plan offices are less satisfied with their job performance than those in private offices.

Workers in open-plan offices are less satisfied with their job performance than those in private offices.


Noise and lack of privacy are the key sources of dissatisfaction in work environments...

Noise and lack of privacy are the key sources of dissatisfaction in work environments...


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