Friday, January 2, 2015

21 Things That Mean Something Totally Different To A Marvel Fan

Because you what’s up when shawarma is on the menu.

Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist

Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist

What it usually means: An intelligent rich person with an interesting love life that spreads around his/her money like manure.

What it means to a Marvel fan: Tony Stark without the suit.

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The Other Guy

The Other Guy

What it usually means: The person that is not me.

What it means to a Marvel fan: The green rage monster that Bruce Banner wants to keep a distance from

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What it usually means: The language that originated in England.

What it means to a Marvel fan: Communicating on the same level, especially if it's SCIENCE!

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New Mexico

New Mexico

What it usually means: A state in the southwestern United States that includes large tracts of barren desert.

What it means to a Marvel fan: The region of Midgard where Thor was banished.

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