Wednesday, January 7, 2015

34 Not Especially Random Acts Of Kindness To Try Out Today

Put a little love in your heart.

Getty Images/iStockphoto sldesign78

1. Bring coffee to the interns at work who are always tasked with going on coffee runs.

2. When it is crowded on public transportation, offer your seat to someone in high heels. They might have an interview!

3. Send your mother a thank-you card on your birthday. It's a special day to her too.

4. Tell a stranger in the dressing room who is shopping alone that something looks great on them.

5. Post a group photo from childhood to Facebook and tag people you have as friends but don't connect to often.

6. Email your favorite writer or reporter with a brief note about how their work inspires you.

7. If you have trouble communicating with a parent, give them a copy of your favorite book and ask them to read it. It's a way for them to know you better without having to talk.

8. Buy your cat or dog a cut of fancy meat meant for humans on the anniversary of their adoption. Or on Valentine's Day!

9. Leave a nice review for one of your childhood teachers on

Natalia Merz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10. If a person is attempting to get a stroller up or down stairs alone, help them.

11. Make a bad Photoshop of your best friend and their celebrity crush in an elaborate wedding scene. Text it to them without any comments.

12. Like someone's selfies on Instagram, even if you hate selfies.

13. Find a way to tell a receptionist or administrative assistant at your work that you know that their work is not only difficult, but requires a very particular set of skills and knowledge. It's true and few people say it.

14. Proactively introduce yourself to people who move into your building or onto your block and offer to help them with moving-in tasks.

15. Leave a big tip for a server being mistreated by other customers and a note that thanks them for great service.

16. If you use the last of the toilet paper in a public bathroom stall, find a way to replace it so the next person isn't left hanging.

17. Buy food you don't necessarily want from enthusiastic kids selling it. You can give it to a food bank or the homeless or literally anyone else later.

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