Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Definitive Cycle Of Online Dating

Round and round it goes. Where does it stop? Ugh, I don’t know.

The Decision

The Decision

That's it: you're over your ex, tired of being single, and ready for the online dating world!

NBC / Via reactiongifs.com

The Choice

The Choice

While you should choose a site based on success rate, you actually choose a site based on cost and effort needed for profile completion.

ABC / Via giphy.com

The Profile

The Profile

The easy part is cropping, enhancing and filtering your photos so everyone sees the best you. The tough part is answering questions that make you think about who you are, who you’re looking for and what you want. What is this, therapy?

nbcparksandrec.tumblr.com / Via giphy.com

The Matches

The Matches

The dating site uses their complex, hyper-sensitive algorithm and sends you a list of people you matched with. You judge 75% of them by their photo and don’t even bother reading their profile. (Because, honestly, we already know that you enjoy Friday nights both at the club and staying in to watch a movie.)

Fox / Via giphy.com

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