Last spring, Hallmark announced that it was putting on the first annual Kitten Bowl, a rival to the beloved Puppy Bowl . It filmed on Wednesday, and thanks to Sports on Earth ‘s report and these photos , we have the inside edge on this furry throw down.
The pre-game walkthrough, so they can get comfortable with this huge stadium
There are actually four "games" involved, so the whole thing is actually a Kitten Playoffs, as Sports on Earth reporter Emma Span notes.
Emma Span/Sports on Earth
And the pre-game stretch, making sure the pouncing legs are ready!
FYI there is a kitten named Terry Bradclaw.
Emma Span/Sports on Earth
Meanwhile, kitten tailgaters enjoy the pre-game from outside the stadium
Emma Span/Sports on Earth
Like good sports, they meet for the coin toss and paw shake
"Okay, if you need to cough up a hairball, go to the sidelines. Agreed?"
Emma Span/Sports on Earth
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