Thursday, May 29, 2014

26 Signs You're Addicted To Podcasts

Grab your earbuds, you’re going on an adventure.

You MUST make sure your phone is charged before you leave the house.

You MUST make sure your phone is charged before you leave the house.

And if it isn't, you consider staying home. There's probably no reason to go out when you can learn how a diving bell works with the Stuff You Should Know podcast, right?

OVO Sound / Via

You’ve deleted photos/videos of treasured memories to make room for more podcasts.

You’ve deleted photos/videos of treasured memories to make room for more podcasts.

Really, who cares about your sister's graduation when there's a new episode of The Memory Palace about a guy who actually mailed himself to freedom in a box.

Focus Features / Via

The songs that play during your favorite podcasts are the ones you listen to most.

The songs that play during your favorite podcasts are the ones you listen to most.

And you can recognize the tone of a story based on the interstitial music alone, like the peppy tunes used on the This American Life episode about Cars.

20th Century Fox / Via

You have had a "driveway moment" that lasted through the end of one show and into the next one.

You have had a "driveway moment" that lasted through the end of one show and into the next one.

It's not like you can listen to a Radio Diaries teenage diary update without hearing the original, too.

Paramount Pictures / Via

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