Thursday, April 2, 2015

83 Thoughts Every Introvert Has At The Hairdresser's

“I literally have no idea what I just agreed to.”

Jamie Jones / BuzzFeed

1. What's the reception desk situation here?

2. There needs to be an international set of reception desk procedures all hairdressers follow.

3. Okay, that was easier than expected.

4. So I guess I just sit here and look at popular hairstyles from 2004.

5. Does anyone actually use these books as a reference?

6. I should have brought in a photo of my hair from that day it looked good, and just asked for that.

7. Oh god, I'm going to be asked where I'm going on holiday.

8. At least I've got time to come up with something interesting.

9. Portugal. Do people still holiday in Portugal?

10. No, I'll just stick to somewhere safe, like Florida.

11. Wait, I still have time to come up with somewhere better.

12. Oh shit, did they just call my name?

13. Oh christ, they did.

14. I'll just have to improv this conversation.

15. Wait, screw the small talk, what the fuck do I want doing with my hair?!

16. I literally have no idea what I just agreed to.

17. I'll just avoid eye contact with the mirror and hope for the best.

18. Just keep looking down.

19. Why did I even book this appointment?

20. I could have waited another few months. Easily.

21. Well, you're here now. There's no escape. None.

22. Especially now they've put the backwards cape on you.

23. Okay, here come the questions.

24. The holiday one. I've prepared for this!

25. Why did I just answer that honestly?

26. I could have said anywhere.

27. Venice, Hawaii. Hell, the moon even!

28. Now they'll think I'm boring. I could have been a damn astronaut.

29. I bet my haircut reflects this.

30. Maybe if I play dead the hairdresser will stop talking to me at least.

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