Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Amy Poehler And Tina Fey Asked To Host The Golden Globes Again

That story and more in today’s CelebFeed Gossip Roundup!

Best news all day: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have been approached to host the Golden Globes again! From Deadline:

Getty Images

Twenty million viewers can't be wrong. Following the warm critical reception and big ratings for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's first hosting turn at the Golden Globes earlier this year, the comedy stars have been approached for a second go as emcees of the awards show. Unlike Ricky Gervais' original deal, which had an option for a second turn as Globes host, I hear Fey and Poehler originally agreed to host this year's ceremony as a one-time thing with no obligation to come back. But, given their success, it's no surprise that NBC and Golden Globes producer Dick Clark Prods are asking them to return.

Via deadline.com

More fallout from the most-talked about VMA performance of the year:

Paula Patton is not mad at Miley Cyrus for twerking on her husband Robin Thicke.

• Miley's mom Tish said this of the performance: "I’m so proud of her, and just honestly, I’m in awe of who she’s become as a performer."

• Miley's dad Billy Ray said this: "She’s still my little girl and I’m still her dad regardless how this circus we call show business plays out."

• The Teddy Bear Fund has called out Miley, saying she "made a poor choice to use a universally loved children's teddy bear in an offensive way."


Alec Baldwin got up close and personal with another paparazzo.

JDH Images / Splash News / Via buzzfeed.com

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