Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Family Receives Threats After Upsetting Video Of Black 5-Year-Olds Hitting White 3-Year-Old Goes Viral

After the video was uploaded to Liveleak.com , viewers began calling in threats to the father of the children in the video.

Over the weekend, two disturbing videos titled "When White People Piss Black People Off" parts 1 and 2 were uploaded to Facebook by a 12-year-old boy from Minnesota.

Over the weekend, two disturbing videos titled "When White People Piss Black People Off" parts 1 and 2 were uploaded to Facebook by a 12-year-old boy from Minnesota.

Via liveleak.com

The 12-year-old was posting them under the fake name "Ray Wright" and his page has been pulled down. But the videos were uploaded to Live Leak and viewed over 50,000 times since Sunday.

The 12-year-old was posting them under the fake name "Ray Wright" and his page has been pulled down. But the videos were uploaded to Live Leak and viewed over 50,000 times since Sunday.

Via liveleak.com

In the videos, the holding the camera is egging on two girls as they harass and hit a three-year-old girl.

In the videos, the holding the camera is egging on two girls as they harass and hit a three-year-old girl.

Via liveleak.com

The videos didn't go viral until they were ripped from the boy's Facebook page...

The videos didn't go viral until they were ripped from the boy's Facebook page...

Via ironicsurrealism.com

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